Overview of the Everlasting Girls’ Conference

♥ Northeast Georgia Conference Location: North Georgia Christian Camp – 531 Christian Camp Lane, Clarkesville, GA 30523

♥ Northwest Georgia Conference Location: Pigeon Mountain Crossing – 395 Dixon Springs Road, Lafayette, GA 30728

♥ Groups: The girls will be divided into groups, based on their grade in school, and will be supervised by two college-age Counselors for the weekend. The Counselors will lead the girls in their activities and will stay overnight with them in the cabins.

♥ Lodging: The girls will stay in 14-person cabins that have bunkbeds, toilets and showers.

♥ Meals: All meals will be provided including dinner on Friday and breakfast on Sunday; however, girls are encouraged to bring snacks that they’re willing to share.

♥ Cell Phones: In order to help the girls develop relationships with those around them and eliminate distractions during the sessions and activities, girls are NOT permitted to have any electronic device that connects to a network (for example: cell phones, iPads, watches, etc.) at the conference.  We ask that young ladies leave these items at home over the weekend.

Please see the detailed Cell Phone policy on our “Rules & Policies” page.