Rules & Policies


Basic Rules:

All attendees are required to attend the various camp activities and stay with their cabin group for the entire weekend (this is your small group).

At “lights out” all girls will need to be in their cabin on their own bunk (everyone will have their own bunk) and quiet (there will be random cabin checks).

Every girl is required to conform to the camp schedule and will not be permitted to leave camp without permission from the camp director.

No cell phones or any other device that can access the internet/cell phone network will be allowed (including watches, tablets, or other devices).

Do not draw, write or carve on camp buildings, equipment, or natural surroundings.

If the property of the camp, staff, or other attendees is damaged, it is the responsibility of the youth doing the damage to repair and/or replace the property.

Cabins are under the supervision of the Counselors. Any directives they provide are considered rules and should be followed.

No tobacco, JUULs, vapes, alcohol, illegal drugs, or CBD (cannabis) products.

No profane or vulgar language.

Sickness or injury must be reported to the Camp Nurse immediately.

All music, plays, and skits need to have a “G” rating and we ask that only Christian music be played.

No bullying – At the Everlasting Conference, bullying is inexcusable, and we have a firm policy against all types of bullying.  Each attendee is expected to treat all other campers with respect to help each other have the best possible experience.  If an attendee has difficulty meeting this expectation, parents may be called upon to assist.

No excessive touching such as hand-holding, caressing, cuddling, or other public displays of affection will be allowed.

No fighting kind of any kind. (Physical violence or bullying toward another attendee or counselor will result in immediate dismissal from the conference.)

No disrupting a program.


All attendees are asked to wear modest clothing. Please do not bring super-short shorts, tank tops or sheer tops.

Discipline Procedures

When a conference attendee does not follow the behavior guidelines, we will take the following steps:

1.     Counselors will redirect the attendee to more appropriate behavior.

2.     If inappropriate behavior continues, the attendee will be reminded of behavior guidelines and conference rules by a leadership team member, and the attendee will be asked to decide on action steps to correct her behavior.

3.     If an attendee’s behavior still does not meet expectations and is affecting the experience of other attendees, she will be referred to the Conference Director.

4.     If inappropriate behavior continues, as a final action step, the attendee may be dismissed from the conference.

5.     The Leadership Team may also be called upon to work with entire cabin groups who need additional support and behavior guidance.

 *Attendee fees are non-refundable if an attendee is sent home for disciplinary reasons. Physical violence, bullying, or sexual acts toward another attendee or counselor will result in immediate dismissal from the conference.

Cell Phone & Electronics Policy

In order to help the girls develop relationships with those around them and eliminate distractions during the sessions and activities, girls are NOT permitted to have any electronic device that connects to a network (for example: cell phones, iPads, watches, etc.) at the conference.  We ask that young ladies leave these items at home over the weekend.

The Conference Leadership Team members will have cell phones on them at all times and contact numbers will be given to parents/guardians at Conference check-in in case a parent needs to reach their daughter in the case of an emergency. We will provide opportunities for girls to get photos with friends.


We will be posting pictures and videos on Everlasting’s Facebook and Instagram accounts throughout the weekend so parents are encouraged to watch for our posts to see the events as they take place throughout the weekend.

 Special Notes

♥ Lice Check: All attendees will be checked for head lice at check-in. If head lice are found, the attendee will not be allowed to spend the night in order to eliminate the chance of spreading lice throughout the cabins. Although we would hate to send someone home, we must consider all young ladies in attendance so please be aware of this policy.

♥ Medication: In order for us to administer medication over the weekend, all medication must be brought in the original prescription bottle with the attendee’s name and instructions. We will have a nurse at check-in and two nurses on campus throughout the entire weekend.

Illness:  Any attendees must be free of fever, diarrhea, and vomiting for 24 hours before coming to conference.

acknowledgement of Rules & Expectations

Everlasting attendees will be asked to sign a behavioral contract, outlining the things mentioned above, when they check-in for the event.